Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush Nominee Fails to Rile Democrats; Conservatives Outraged

WASHINGTON- A day after Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) endorsed President Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to succeed Sandra Day O'Connor, conservatives are expressing outrage.

"I like Harriet Miers," said Reid. In fact, Reid had actually included Miers on a short list of Republicans he might be comfortable with on the court.

"Well, I think it's fair to say that we are not happy with the President's selection," said Senator Sam Brownback (R.- Kan.). "We don't really know how Miers will rule from the bench, but I do know this: if Harry Reid isn't pissed, then I am."

"Where was the inspiration?" cried conservative commentator Kel Windblatt. "This is a historic chance to stick it to the Democrats, and we're blowing it."

"What about the former Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore? He'd put the 10 Commandments everywhere. Plus, he'd drive people like Hillary Clinton nuts."

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Reid: Not Pissed

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Brownback: Pissed


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