Friday, October 14, 2005

China Sends Up Astronauts Again

China has just successfully concluded its second manned space flight. The spacecraft, the "Westerners Are Decadent and Lazy 4" was launched atop a "Die Capitalist, Die! 7" rocket.

The flight was deemed a success, with only minor setbacks. The first came when the Chinese spacecraft was attempting to dock at the International Space Station. After the Chinese astronauts failed in repeated attempts to dock, other spacecraft started honking at them, causing them to get flustered and resume orbiting.

The spacecraft carried a number of experiments on the effects of weightlessness on insects and rodents. However, most of the experiments were cut short when the astronauts ate them. A spokesman said future flights would still include experiments, but that they would be "less tasty."

Across China, ordinary people rejoiced that they are now able to complain about things by saying, "we can put men in space, but we can't make a decent (fill in the blank)."

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

good one!

10:05 PM  

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